Saturday, September 20, 2014

Dubli Network Compensation Plan

Dubli Network Compensation Plan

When you JOIN Dubli Network, here's what you earn

Commission of V.I.P. customers through Customer Referral Program (CRP)/Discount V.I.P. Membership Voucher Package Programs

Any V.I.P. customer signing up through the Customer Referral Program or through a Discount V.I.P. Membership Voucher Package Program*, as such may be agreed to by DubLi from time to time, will earn the sponsoring Business Associate 25% of the effective yearly Membership Fee paid for the purchased V.I.P. Membership. The upline of the sponsoring BA will only receive 50% commission of their normal organizational commission according to the compensation plan.

* "Discount VIP Membership Voucher Package Programs" are programs that may be agreed to by DubLi on a case-by-case basis and in certain circumstances with one or more Business Associates, where the Business Associate contractually commits to purchase a mutually agreed upon number of vouchers for VIP Membership (the term for which may begin upon purchase commitment) at a discounted rate for provision to prospective customers.

Shopping Mall Commissions

The DubLi Shopping Mall offers two types of earned commissions. Both types of commissions will apply to your personal and organization customers.

First, subscription commission will be paid monthly for Premium or V.I.P. Customer Membership Packages. Each month you will earn 25% on your personal customers Premium or V.I.P. Membership Packages. Your organization commissions on subscriptions will be paid according to the organizational compensation plan.

The second type allows you to earn commissions on each individual purchase in the DubLi Shopping Mall, whether the purchase is made by a registered or non-registered customer.  As long as the customer makes the purchase through your personal link, you will now earn 25% of the Cashback percentage that DubLi receives from each merchant.  You will only receive your 25% of the actual commission amount received by DubLi from the merchant not on the full value of your customers purchase. The Cashback percentages paid by each individual merchant are illustrated in the back office.  Please note: merchant Cashback percentages are based on the actual sale value of each product not including VAT, taxes or shipping. In addition, as a BA, you will also only earn your commission from the merchant commission that is paid to DubLi based on your normal organizational percentages according to the DubLi Network compensation plan, not on the full retail value of your customers purchase. Organizational commissions will continue to be paid according to your rank and DubLi Network the organizational compensation plan.

Commissions will not be reported as earned until after the Merchants' sales commission payment is received by DubLi. In some cases this may take up to 90 days.

Organizational Commission Plan

Your Position Frontline Downline 1st Gen. 2nd Gen. 3rd Gen.
Senior Vice President 27.5% 2.5% 1.5% 1%
Vice President 25% 5% 2% 2% 1%
Sales Director 20% 5% 2% 1%
Team Coordinator 15% 5% 2%
Team Leader Accelerator 10% 5%
Team Leader 10% 5%
Team Member 5% 5%

Customer Points

To achieve promotions in DubLi Network you must hit certain guidelines in team size, sales volume and Customer Points. You earn one (1) Customer Point for each active personal paid subscription package.

Customer Point Requirements
Team Member (TM) 5
Team Leader (TL) 10
Team Leader Accelerator+ 10
Team Coordinator (TC) 15
Sales Director (SD) 20
Vice President (VP) 25
Senior Vice President (SVP) 30

When a BA falls below the required amount of Customer Points, they have 14 days to make up the deficit or they will be downgraded to a lower rank (for example - if SD has only 10 points he will then be downgraded to TL). They have 90 days to get the customer points needed for their previous highest rank in order to regain that rank. If they do not regain the Customer Points within the 90 days they will remain at the rank represented by their current amount of customer points. They can then only regain their old rank by building the organization and re-qualifying. Customer Points alone cannot promote you to a higher rank. You will never be downgraded to a lower rank unless you don't have enough Customer Points.

If you are a TM and fall below the 5 Customer Points, you will have 14 days to regain your Customer Points or you will lose your right to earn any commissions until you have regained the required amount of points. You will see an icon next to your TM status, which indicates that you are excluded from earning commissions.

Rank Requirements

Team Member (TM): Qualification

Personal Customer Points

Team Member Commissions

Your Title Commissions
Team Member
Personal Active Retail Customers 25%
Personally Enrolled BA's 5%
Earn 5% on organizational sales generated by personally enrolled BA's. 5%

Team Leader (TL): Qualification

Personal Active Retail Customers Personal Enrolled TM's
10 3

Team Leader Commissions

Your Title Commissions
Team Leader
Personal Active Personal Customers 25%
Personally Enrolled BA's 10%
Team Members 5%
Earn 10% on organizational sales generated by personally enrolled BA's. 10%
Earn 5% overrides on organizational sales generated by Team Members. 5%
No overrides on sales generated by Team Leader or above.

Team Coordinator (TC): Qualification

Personal Active Retail Customers Personal Enrolled TL's
15 3

Team Coordinator Commissions

Your Title Commissions 1st Generation
Team Coordinator
Personal Active Retail Customers 25%
Personally Enrolled BA's 15%
Team Members 10%
Team Leaders 5%
Team Coordinators 2%
Earn 15% on organizational sales generated by personally enrolled BA's.  
Earn 10% overrides on organizational sales generated by Team Members.  
Earn 5% overrides on organizational sales generated by Team Leaders.  
Earn 2% first generation overrides on all Team Coordinators.  

Sales Director (SD): Qualification

Personal Active Retail Customers Personal Enrolled TC's
20 3

Sales Director Commission

Your Title Commissions 1st Generation 2nd Generation
Sales Director

Personal Active Retail Customers 25%

Personally Enrolled BA's 20%

Team Members 15%

Team Leaders 10%

Team Coordinators 5%

Sales Directors 2% & 1% 2% 1%
Earn 20% on organizational sales generated by personally enrolled BA's.
Earn 15% overrides on organizational sales generated by Team Members.
Earn 10% overrides on organizational sales generated by Team Leaders.
Earn 5% overrides on organizational sales generated by Team Coordinators.
Earn 2% 1st generation bonus on all Sales Directors.
Earn 1% 2nd generation bonus on all Sales Directors.

Vice President (VP): Qualification

Personal Active Retail Customers 5 Separate SD Legs
25 5

Vice President Commission

Your Title Commissions 1st Generation 2nd Generation 3rd Generation
Vice President

Personal Active Retail Customers 25%

Personally Enrolled BA's 25%

Team Members 20%

Team Leaders 15%

Team Coordinators 10%

Sales Directors 5%

Vice Presidents 2% +2% +1% 2% 2% 1%
Earn 25% on organizational sales generated by personally enrolled BA's.
Earn 20% overrides on organizational sales generated by Team Members.
Earn 15% overrides on organizational sales generated by Team Leaders.
Earn 10% overrides on organizational sales generated by Team Coordinators.
Earn 5% overrides on organizational sales generated by Sales Directors.
Earn 2% 1st generation bonus on all Vice Presidents.
Earn 2% 2nd generation bonus on all Vice Presidents.
Earn 1% 3rd generation bonus on all Vice Presidents.

Senior Vice President (SVP): Qualification

Personal Active Retail Customers 5 Separate VP Legs
30 5

Senior Vice President Commission

Your Title Commissions 1st Generation 2nd Generation 3rd Generation
Senior Vice President

Personal Active Retail Customers 25%

Personally Enrolled BA's 27.5%

Team Members 20%

Team Leaders 15%

Team Coordinators 10%

Sales Directors 5%

Vice Presidents 2.5% 2% 2% 1%
 Senior Vice Presidents
   1.5%  1%
Earn 27.5% on organizational sales generated by personally enrolled BA's.
Earn 20% overrides on organizational sales generated by Team Members.
Earn 15% overrides on organizational sales generated by Team Leaders.
Earn 10% overrides on organizational sales generated by Team Coordinators.
Earn 5% overrides on organizational sales generated by Sales Directors.
Earn 2.5% overrides on organizational sales generated by Vice Presidents.
Earn 1.5% 1st generation bonus on all Senior Vice Presidents.
Earn 1% 2nd generation bonus on all Senior Vice Presidents.

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