The Dubli Network Opportunity explained
I want you to pay attention. Right now I'm going to explain the entire Dubli
network opportunity in 700 words or less. I know there are a lot of articles,
blogs, and videos out there where people share their experiences with Dubli,
and their entire life stories- people talk about all the money they're going to
make, and all the millions that they've made...
And that's great. That's all true…
But I want to give you a short, concise article that explains:
"What is the Dubli network opportunity?"
"What is Dubli?"
"What is the difference?"
-How you can make money
-How much money you can make
There's a lot of stuff to cover, so I want you to pay attention; I’m going to
cover this really quickly
What is Dubli?
Dubli is a cashback shopping portal, where you can get different cash back
amounts at over 4,000 stores in America (over 5,000 stores globally). There
are 12 differing shopping malls in 11 different languages throughout the
world, so it’s really an International opportunity.
The product that we offer is cash back. We offer to put money in people's
pockets. When people get to the Dubli website:
They’ll see 3 ways they can get cash back:
1) Travel
2) Shopping
3) Coupons and Deals
Also Dubli offers 3 different membership accounts.
1) There's the free account
Who wouldn't want a free account with money back in their pocket?
Everyone wants it. It's free.
2) Then there's one that's a whopping $5 per month (The Premium
3) The V.I.P. is $99 / year, which is about the price of a Costco membership,
for those of you who live in America.
And for each store subscription, you'll see a different amount of cash back
that you’ll receive. For the free account, you can earn up to 4%. The
Premium will give you 4% more than the Free account percentage, and the
V.I.P. will give you 6% more than the Free account percentage.
So check this out...
Pay attention to this, you’re about to see something powerful.
Let’s Google something really quickly.
Let's say I'm going to buy shoes.
I just typed in google buy shoes.
What’s in your Search results? What stores came up?
Because I’m a Dubli member, on my Google page a search result came up
with "Dubli" right next to it.
Whenever one of your customers searches for anything in Google, at the top
of the page they’ll see Dubli-affiliated store options, with a description of the
cash back they can earn. After you become a customer,
you’ll see these in
your search results as well.
This is so powerful; how often do people search for things they need to buy?
Every day! With Dubli, you step into the profit zone, and start earning
commissions whenever your customers shop online!
How much does the average customer get back per year (and what
does that mean for me?)
As a business associate, you’ll earn 25% on all of your customers’
subscriptions, and on all their commissionable revenue (which roughly equal
to the amount of cash back they earn)
So let’s say you have 100 customers that get $100 cash back per year. Then
you get 25% of all these customers’ cashback, which sums up to $2,500 per
Think about it: A thousand customers, then that's $25,000 per year.
Ten thousand customers, then that's $250,000 per year.
The Dubli network opportunity
Then there's also the Dubli network opportunity, where you sign up other
business associates, and you get commissions based on what they do, and
also based on their subscriptions.
You can earn up to 27.5% in Organizational commissions
on all of their business associates and customers, based on your rank.
There’s a fantastic video that explains this part in further detail, but for now
just remember that you can earn up to 27.5% from the people you have
brought into the Dubli network, both customers and business associates.
It's a massive, massive opportunity, and there's other articles / videos to
explain that, but I just want to plant the seed in your mind.
To become a business owner, you sign up with either the Business package
($594), or the Team Leader Package ($2475). This Team Leader Package
enables you to give this business for free to churches and other non-profit
When you bring them to Dubli network, they can get 30%
rewards on those in their organization who join the network.
As you can see, Dubli and its network is a massive business opportunity,
with high financial payout and a product in demand. Now’s the time to jump
on board and join Dubli. Don’t wait!
Here’s some links to videos with more details on the specifics of the
compensation plan:
by Robert Blackman
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